IDEKATA's Exhibition
4:30 PMSo how are you guys? Kinda busy for this month, so didn't have time to checkin my blog. Oh ya, I finally passed the mid-exam very well, and am satisfied for the result, for sure, it makes me happy. And... during a months ago, I passed and faced my day with some troubles, some "big task" which needed big responsibility to handle it, but overall I can through the time with smile and jokes with my silly friends hahaha. Then, I must finished all my task, by college for some subject (and really the task was very hard :p), by Joglosemar for my duty as freelance journalist to do, makes any press-release for branding some events, attending some events that I had to do, aaaaaaaaaaand many moore. Fyuh!
But don’t worry. I’m telling it, not mean I didn’t enjoy it. Really, I enjoyin every second in my life, even less I’m an active university-student now. I believe I would get very very very high benefits for my future.
Relations, experience, how to handling or managing, lessons, oooor anything that makes me struggling to be taft.
And... I will tell you about.. one of event which I involved on it.
This event held by my college, Fakultas Ilmu Sosial dan Humaniora UIN Sunan Kalijaga Yogyakarta, and presented by my study department, Ilmu Komunikasi (Science of Communication).
I kno, it’s toooo late to share the story behind this event, but why not? I think this event must be posted in my blog, cause I have a role on it, start from some trifling matters to another important things I had to do.
Before on. |
Stage and Podium. |
Pancasila, the five basic principles of the Republic of Indonesia, became the basic theme of this event, which was attended by all students of Ilmu Komunikasi UIN Sunan Kalijaga. With special appareance by Mr. Hashim Djojohadikusumo, an Indonesian’s Enterpreneur (and he was crowned as Indonesia’s 39 richest, wow) as the speaker, his event makes the message that "students should be able to create jobs and become an entrepreneur" easier to conveyed.
"Pancasila sebagai dasar membangun jiwa enterpreneurship di kalangan mahasiswa dalam rangka memperkuat daya saing bangsa di era pasar global"
"Pancasila as the basis for building the spirit of enterpreneurship among students in order to strengthen the nation's competitiveness in the global market area"
That was the outline of the material that have been presented by Mr. Hashim Djojohadikusumo on the day. Held in Convention Hall UIN Sunan Kalijaga Yogyakarta, he also shared his experiences of his global business. He advised that we, as the nation's future, must have an independent spirit of enterpreneurship and devote it to our nation, Indonesia.
Briefing. |
Begin. |
Enthusiastic. |
Award, Pendekar Enterprneur Pancasila. |
Actually, there's five community in Ilmu Komunikasi UIN Sunan Kalijaga Yogyakarta. There's Public Relations community, was named PRO (Public Relations Oriented) and my occupation on this community is a Media Relations. And there also "Ikom Radio", a community radio in my department. I've any jobs on this community, as a production team. Not to forget, advertising community, KostrAd, and photography community, NEON. I'm inactive member of this both, but I've been participate on it.
Aaaaaand... the special and the most productive is..... IDEKATA!
IDEKATA is an writing community, and it can be special forum for all students who have high attention and interest for writing and media world.
One of the achievements is a freelance journalist in some reputable newspaper. Other writings, we can catch it on some novels which producted by IDEKATA's member, papers, scientific papers, article, pop article, editorial and so many publishing books.
Taken with my Instagram. |
Instagram ID : intantyaputrie |
Over all community that I join, I choose to managing IDEKATA's exhibition. I kno, to handling it, would be taking a long time, include my time for study, because this event held when the mid-exam was on.
With the help and support by my adviser-lecturer, Mr. Alip Kunandar, M.Si, and also my seniors, Kak Zaka, Kak Amin and Kak Fajar, we had a supe creative theme for our exhibition. Yes, clothesline in laundry!
Starting from our interest of jersey, ya, jersey, and also we’re looking for something simple but still classy and creative, so we finally made some replica of T-shirts and pants were then hung on a rope. We made it all night, overtime and (may be) didn’t remember the time, ehehe. But the result? VERY AWESOME!
One of our book. |
Books are products by IDEKATA Penulis Muda also displayed in our booth. Really happy cause so many visitors who came to our booth, especially the reporters who attending to covered this event.
I believe, I believe that work-hard, totality and dedication of the responsibility will never lead us to trouble. We would get soooo many ease and benefits. True! The fact is, I've success on this 'funny' exhibition and also, I get high scores in my mid-exam. I believe :)
So.. For now, I'm back to finish all my assignment, next to next. May Allah always bless me, bless us, to achieve our dream. Insyaallah, Allah paring lancar selamat dan barokah. I'm happy to be me..... Alhamdulillah.. :)
Yogyakarta, 7 Mei 2013.
So.. For now, I'm back to finish all my assignment, next to next. May Allah always bless me, bless us, to achieve our dream. Insyaallah, Allah paring lancar selamat dan barokah. I'm happy to be me..... Alhamdulillah.. :)
Yogyakarta, 7 Mei 2013.